lørdag 27. september 2008

she is all there, darling,
she is all you,
melted down and fitted for your body.

let's face it, you're not quite acquainted with my face
I'm a bright red painted stain and the smoke from the car
engine was rising our. . love

she is more than that; you know you have to have her back

I give back your heart
I give you back

she is exquisit; the sum of yourself really,
and here is something that will hold you

she is solid.

I, on the other hand, loved you too much

written; 6. oktober 08

mandag 15. september 2008

all i ever wanted was someone who could hold me

" du holder fast i meg, fordi minnet om å ha elsket meg er sterkere enn vissheten om at du ikke gjør det lengre".

før du går nå, vil jeg at du skal tenke på hvem du er. du må hjelpe meg med å finne deg. vi skal gjøre dette sammen, men jeg tildekker ikke. jeg åpner. jeg åpner deg. neste gang du kommer, vil du takke meg - for da har jeg funnet deg. da har jeg endelig funnet deg.
just say we were lovers, and we'll call it even.

fredag 12. september 2008

høyest elsket

I remember that time when you put your hand on my pulse and we felt so connected and fragile. it was the most intimate moment. and I remember that time when you were sleeping and you dreweled all over me, and I licked your spit off of your lips and tasted it. I want to kick myself in the heart for not protecting you. I want to comfort you, though I'm the one who is hurting you. this isn't about love, because I know something you dont. but it'll grow on us, eveything will find itself and I have so many stories I can tell you while we wait.

I put my hands up,
to praise

when you touched my hip,
i knew you would end up
buying me a drink.

onsdag 10. september 2008

størst av alt er kjærligheten

( I beg the lord not to hear what's been said tonight)

love is fragile and sore
but we'll love forever, our hearts will be exhausted
our legs and arms will evolve and move and there will
be nothing left but our bodies.
we'll love, turn and change into each other
it will keep us above it all.

love keeps us pierced together
and you can never escape that